Adelaide Senior English Tuition

Adelaide Senior English Tuition

Adelaide Senior English Tuition

Our English program content is mapped to the Australian Curriculum. This is crucial as our teachers work to match content covered in South Australia’s best schools and provide relevant and innovative learning for our students. 

Our year senior English tuition is designed to provide students with a range of practical skills that will mean that they can take on important tasks like critical reading and text production with greater surety. The key areas of focus are text analysis, text production and grammar & language.

Analysing Texts

Our year senior English teachers provide students with opportunities to read, analyse, discuss, and write about a wide range of fiction and non-fiction texts. Students then write about these texts in a range of ways through a variety of different tasks that enhance their ability respond to what they read.

Text Production

In our senior English tuition classes, our teachers work with students to enhance their understanding of how writers create different types of texts to improve their own ability to create a variety of text styles. Students get the opportunity to write in a range of different ways so that they understand the types of techniques required to produce different styles of text.

Grammar and Language

When texts are discussed in our senior English tuition classes, there is always a focus on grammar and language, particularly the ways in which structure and word choice are central to meaning. To be able to produce their own texts, students need to have a sound understanding of how language works and so all of our textual analysis includes how authors structure their writing.

An assessment can be taken before joining the English program. The assessment provides accurate in the moment results to guide learning and inform all involved in the child’s learning circle their individual, targeted learning areas.