Completing the Research Project can be daunting for many students. Being able to understand what has to be done, and how to do it well, is critical. Refining a question that will interest them over a period of time and allow them to undertake in-depth and engaging research is the first step. Conducting meaningful research is central to success, and being able to analyse information in depth leads students to an insightful answer to their question. Evaluating themselves as researchers is the final task. All of these steps are assessed and students need to understand explicitly what evidence they need to produce in order to gain the best possible grade for this compulsory Stage 2 subject.
Put simply, students need to:
- Identify and refine the research question
- Find information to answer the question using a variety of techniques
- Answer the question, using that information as ‘proof’
- Evaluate themselves as a researcher
Students undertaking the Research Project are often unclear about what they have to do and how they are going to be assessed. Simplifying the subject requirements, breaking down the tasks into smaller ‘chunks’, and providing examples develops greater confidence that the subject is achievable.
As each student comes to REM+ Tuition at a different stage of completion of the Research Project, they are supported individually by:
- providing feedback about what has already been done
- identifying ways to improve that work
- suggesting what needs to be done
Students’ writing is examined, with suggestions about possible improvements, both in terms of content and expression. Specific support for the externally assessed writing task is provided, with scaffolding linked explicitly to the assessment requirements.